[转帖]1948年后被逐出阿拉伯各国的86万犹太人 我迄今从未听到任何一位外交家提及这样一个事实(刚刚在wiki上查资料偶尔发现): 从1948年到1972年,86万犹太人被埃及、利比亚、伊拉克、也门、叙利亚和北非阿拉伯国家驱逐,来到以色列,其中26万于1951年前到达,其余1972年前到达,他们和他们的后人构成了现今以色列人口的40%,他们中的大部分在离开时被迫放弃财产,据2002年一项评估,这些被驱逐者当时被迫放弃在阿拉伯各国的财产折合现值约3000亿美元,被迫放弃的土地合计约10万平方公里,相当于现今以色列国土面积的4倍。 856,000 Jews left their homes in Arab countries from 1948 until the early 1970s; 260,000 reached Israel in 1948-1951, 600,000 by 1972.[1][2][3] The Jews of Egypt and Libya were expelled while those of Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Lebanon and North Africa left as a result of a coordinated effort among Arab governments to create physical and political insecurity.[4] Most were forced to abandon their property.[2] By 2002 these Jews and their descendants constituted about 40% of Israel’s population.[3] The main representative body of this group, the World Organization of Jews from Arab Countries, (WOJAC) estimates that Jewish property abandoned in Arab countries would be valued today at more than $300 billion[5][6] and Jewish-owned real-estate left behind in Arab lands at 100,000 square kilometers (four times the size of the State of Israel).[1][6] The organization asserts that the Jewish exodus was the result of a deliberate policy decision taken by the Arab league.[7] 详见wiki词条:Jewish exodus from Arab lands http://headsalon.org/archives/420.html#comment-574891 被迫放弃的土地合计约10万平方公里 =========================== 这些土地都是宜居、可以发展种植业的土地吗?整个埃及这种土地也才4万平方公里。 请问大家有近现代阿拉伯世界犹太人经济史吗?很久以前我看奥威尔的那篇游记,犹太隔都的浓缩的贫穷和饥饿给我留下了深刻的印象,简直是没有毒气室的集中营。但是86万人3000亿美元的不动产?这就算在当代发达国家也算是中等偏上的水平了吧。阿拉伯世界里犹太人的财富差别很大吗? |